Susan Wescott, RPh, MBA
Senior Director of Pharmacy
Managed Care Mayo Clinic

Susan Wescott leads clinical services for Alluma, a provider-led, provider-focused PBM alternative owned by Mayo Clinic and Vizient. Susan coordinates clinical services, including formulary management, utilization management, and clinical pharmacy programs. Susan has over 35 years of experience in health care, spanning pharmaceutical brand management, hospital pharmacy leadership, laboratory business development, clinical trial management, and the launch of several new business ventures for Mayo Clinic.


Prior to joining Alluma, Susan led Mayo Clinic Pharmacy Benefit Solutions, which served 25 self-insured health plans, including the Mayo Clinic employee population. Susan also coordinated the integration and delivery of medical and pharmacy clinical services with Mayo Clinic’s third-party administrator, MMSI Inc. MMSI was sold to Medica in 2018.


Susan studied pharmacy at the University of Toronto and later earned a master’s degree in business from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota.